The new home of our art gallery, Mineral de Pozos in central Mexico, is filled with textures and colors that makes it a joy to photograph. One of the best ways to capture these textures is through HDR photography. These series of images were shot in Pozos and processed using HDR Efex Pro from Nik software. Some of the images are 3 shots at exposures 1 stop apart and some of them are single exposures.

The left image is a reflection in the window (you can see me near the bottom). The right image is a multiple exposure combined in my Nikon D300 camera.

This is night time at Posada de Los Minas, a beautiful boutique hotel in Pozos. It’s one of our favorite places to gather for freshly prepared food in their courtyard restaurant.

I have a soft spot for the village dogs in Pozos. I have started a whole series of photographs of these dogs.

Pozos is magical at night… Note the little black village dog in the shot too.

Pozos has a great panteon (cemetary).

Ruins…. beautiful ruins everywhere in Pozos.